For 19 years 9 months and 19 days we have been developing, implementing, refining and maintaining
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0 Various CRM/B2B
Bohamet S.A. [joint-stock company] Shipbuilding – windows, doors, special constructions. Software supporting supervision over production process and circulation of documentation. Registration and management of racks for transportation of windows. Synchronisation with mobile bar code scanners makes assortment management easier.
Hamilton Sundstrand Poland Sp. z o.o [LLC] Manufacturer of products and service provider for aviation industry. Implementation of software for realisation of production processes and supervision of the process of maintaining traffic.
CNP Centrum Nakładania Powłok Fire galvanisation of steel and cast iron. Software supervising production process and flow of material and final product in a warehouse. Connecting with sales system. Synchronisation with mobile bar code scanner in order to remotely draw up warehouse release document for currently prepared transport by a fork lift operator.
IZO-BLOK S.A. [joint-stock company] Processing of plastics. Software of production process of injection moulds. Circulation and approval of construction drawings and technological guidelines.
Marszał Sp. z o.o. S.K. Production of reinforced cabinets and safes. Implementation of software supervising production process along with handling assortment base. Handling by touch panels for production operatives.
Goster Production of machines for mining and food industry. Implementation of production process software. Combining production modules with sales modules. Inclusion of calculation to sales process.
Gotter Designing and manufacturing of machines. Implementation of software supervising production process supporting planning and automation of production. Warehouse management – controlling stocks, element bookings, automation of placing orders for missing elements. Synchronisation with bar code scanners in order to settle times of production orders and control of working hours of employees.
VOSS Automotive Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Production of hydraulic, pneumatic fuel lines for automotive sector. Software of production process in a tool room. Use of technological guidelines while registering operations and time of work.
PESA Bydgoszcz SA [ joint-stock company] Construction and modernisation of rolling stock. Production software: support of acceptance inspections of vehicles and management of discrepancies. Servicing software: planning of technical check-ups of vehicles, managing claims, workload and warehouse.
Amcor Tobacco Packaging Polska Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Producer of packaging. Software supporting orders and assortment management.
Eurest Poland Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Catering services and restaurants. Implementation of software for conducting audits and registering inconsistencies. Circulation of discrepancies and performance of corrective actions.
Neapco Europe sp. z o.o. [LLC] Manufacturer of parts and accessories for vehicles. Production software based on guidelines and production technologies which manages orders and is integrated with bar code scanners responsible for registering time of production orders.
Dekorglass Działdowo S.A. [joint-stock company] Decorations of glass packaging. Software for recording the processes with maps of processes and ISO documentation. Registration of claims and supervision of discrepancies. Planning and realisation of audits. Application of quality control module along with service of control cards. Registration of control-measurement tools.
Politech Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Production with plastics. Software for managing ISO documentation. Implementation of recording processes and planning audits. Introduction of circulation of discrepancies and actions along with managing claims. Launch of quality control module along with service of control cards. Keeping the register of tools and maintenance operations.
Segepo-Refa Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Production for the following sectors: automotive, electrical, cooling, mechanical. Implementation of software for managing ISO and product documentation. Performing quality control by production operatives for open contracts. Connecting with MRP system of the company. Implementation of circulation of claims and discrepancies.
Siropol Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Processing of plastics. Module of managing the process of registration of quality control of production and deliveries. Register of shortages. Implementation of circulation of claims and discrepancies. Scheduling of audits and conducting auditing polls. Recording processes and register of ISO documentation along with plan of inspections. Implementation of system supervision over control-measurement tools.
Tesco Polska Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Chain of stores. Software for conducting recruitment processes along with publication of job advertisements on a webpage concerning career at Tesco.
UPC Polska Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Services - TV, Internet, phone. Implementation of software for supervision of sales process of services. Calculating results and keeping records of sales people.
Fiege Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Logistics and forwarding. System for circulation of needs, their acceptance and realisation of purchasing processes. Generating orders to appropriate suppliers. Mechanisms of grouping products and building a basket of orders.
Venezia Trading company. Software for handling the process of ordering products from suppliers. Handling product catalogue and price lists. Generating orders and mailing in accordance with dedicated templates.
Emmerson Realty S.A. [joint-stock company] Real estate agency. Network software for multi-branch company operating in real estate sector. Supervision of the process of client acquisition, search for suitable offers and associating buyers with sellers. Placing offers on trade portals.
SKI Planet Travel agency. IT system supporting generation of offers, management of deadlines and prices, registration and supervision of bookings.
ABC ROL Sp. z o.o. [LLC] Trading office. Software for handling the process of selling products from a warehouse. Supervising stocks and realisation of orders from suppliers. Circulation of warehouse and financial documentation - for domestic and export sales.
PPHU Piomar sp. j. Provider of equipment and IT services. A system assisting orders of products by contractors with the use of client's panel. Mechanisms supporting maintenance works - the use of client's panel to reporting claims and insight overview of realisation process by the client.
Main sectors of operation We support various lines of business with our products:
Production companies
The support in terms of production management, quality management and infrastructure. We create custom solutions supporting particular processes of the company.
Real estate
The advanced solutions in the field of customer service, managing offers, sales and publishing advertisements.
The support for sales and purchasing processes in B2B, B2C.
Our solutions aid recruitment processes, CV database management and competency assessment within the company.
and similar entities receive assistance with settlement management and communication with a client (parents).
Our solutions aid managing offers, bookings and settlements, together with the integration into websites when it comes to offer publication.